Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 72: Watch the Sunrise on my Roof

I'm challenging you guys to do something new today, even if it's small! Post it on my wall or message me if you do because I'd love to see it. I've gotten a ton of support from everyone, so I'd like to see other people go out and do something unusual or something they've always pushed off for whatever reason. If you do, thank you. If not, that's ok. Just work your way up to it and I'll just keep plugging away! You'll be glad you did. So, being the legitimate, horrible, certified insomniac that I am, I've seen the sun peak through my bedroom window so many times while I lie there still awake and frustrated at my ridiculous sleep schedule that I've lost count. This is one of those moments I've had a few times during 365 Firsts that I could really slap myself for having not done yet. It's really beautiful out here in the country surrounded by fields and trees with the sun coming up. Instead of doing the same old routine over and over again, I broke the cycle and decided to embrace watching the sunrise out on my roof instead of laying in bed dreading it's inevitable rise and shielding my eyes from its rays piercing the bedroom walls while I'm still tossing and turning. I climbed out on my extremely steep roof in my socks and went to the very top and just posted up and waited for the sun to rise. I was really nervous for the first few minutes since I'm afraid of heights and climbed all the way to the top peak AND I have no shoes on which I hate being without. What is happening to me?! I think this 365 Firsts is changing me a little bit. I can't believe I've never done this before. I honestly can't. I'll definitely be doing this at least a handful of times a year from now on, no matter where I'm living. One of these years not sleeping is going to catch up to me, but not this year.

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