Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 100: Discard 100 Things from my Life

Well, I made it to day 100 of 365 mostly in one piece! Today I'm celebrating that milestone by throwing away, donating, selling, or giving away 100 items from my life that I don't need. This might be an all day process so I'll make posts later on when I have everything picked out. This is going to be pretty therapeutic at a time I feel like I need it and also difficult. I need some mental and physical decluttering right now. It's been a great journey so far and I'm really excited I reached this milestone. Thanks everyone for all of the support, it really means everything to me. 

Well, about 6 hours later I have 97 items and I'm adding 3 intangible things which I'll keep private. This was cleansing and symbolic of life. Declutter your life. Get rid of negativity. Move past what's holding you back and become a better you. It could be a job you hate, a significant other you're unhappy with, bad friends who drag you down, low self-esteem from not being the best version of yourself, whatever. No matter what it is, you can change your situation. Do it. You'll be shocked at how easy it really is and how much better your life will be and what happiness can really mean. I may hit a wall sometimes with 365 Firsts, especially lately, but I'm still growing and getting stronger from this process and I couldn't be happier I started it and I just wanted to say thanks again for everyone's help and support. I can't wait to see the kind of person I'll be in 265 more days and hopefully whoever is following along will make some changes in their lives and be a better version of themselves by then as well.

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