Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day 59: Get a "Crazy" Haircut

365 Firsts/Day 59: 

 I stepped way out of my comfort zone for this one and told my hairstylist Lauren Krupp to just surprise me and give me whatever haircut she wanted and to make it a little bit crazy or unique. I think she did a great job! I've always been pretty tame when it comes to haircuts. Even though it took a few minutes to adjust since it's so different than what I'm used to, she did a great job as always and I actually really like it. I got looked at funny by some of the geriatric mid-westerners when I went grocery shopping afterwards but I could really care less. This would look pretty standard in L.A. or New York. It's all relative. I don't know why I've always been so conservative with my hair when I'm not in basically any other aspect of my life, so I'm glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and gave it a shot. It grows back. Thanks Lauren! I should've had this during the World Cup so I could've been exactly like all of the players, except you know, different in every other way possible.

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